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Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Turkey 2018

Fevzi Gungor: Banks and FinTech. Exploring the new role of fintech in digital banking services

Fevzi Gungor: Banks and FinTech. Exploring the new role of fintech in digital banking services

Fintech is considered to be one of the most prospective and popular sectors for startups. Banks and fintech will be thoroughly discussed by Fevzi Gungor, the founder and CEO of ODE.AL, a company with the overall number of sales reaching 500 million dollars.

The speaker will talk about legal and practical roadblocks regarding blockchain acceptance. He will list and identify potential lockup situations regarding blockchain related businesses.

  • AML and KYC regulations.
  • Seizing assets of an individual.
  • Stopping a smart contract from fulfillment or deleting one.
  • Liability of a miner or any other wallet holder regarding an illegal smart contract.

In 2008, Fevzi Gungor’s company became the Turkey's largest e-merchant processing digital payments.

To discover more, register to Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Turkey.